Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, ‘and what is the use of a book,’ thought Alice ‘without pictures or conversation?’
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderlandの始まりの部分になるのですが、
Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and (1) of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading(2), but(3) it had no pictures or conversations in it, ‘and what is the use of a book,’ thought Alice ‘without pictures or conversation?’
(2),once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading
この文章において動詞が2つ(had peeped, was reading)あるように見えますが、なぜ2つ動詞があるのか説明ができますか?
Florida, the “Land of Flowers,” the enchanted ground wherein it has been said Ponce de Leon sought for the “fountain of perpetual youth,” is not far away; the fountain, quite likely, is as remote as ever, but the land which it was said to bless with its ever flowing and rejuvenating waters, can be reached after a journey of a few days from New York, by steamship if the traveler is not unpleasantly affected by a sea-voyage, or, if the apprehension of “rough weather off Hatteras” should make a different route preferable, then by rail to Charleston, thence by steamer over waters generally smooth to Fernandina, stopping on the way at Savannah just long enough to look about and obtain a general idea of the place.
『RAMBLES IN FLORIDA, PART 1』American Naturalist: Rambles in Florida by R.E.C. Stearns
Google LLC is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, which include a search engine, online advertising technologies, cloud computing, software, and hardware. ( From wikipedia )
google (somebody/something)to type words into the search engine Google™ in order to find information about somebody/something
I just googled her and found her blog.
I tried googling but couldn’t find anything relevant.
受験生の中には、assume = 仮定すると思っている人が多いのですが、実際は少し異なります。
If you assume that something is true, you imagine that it is true, sometimes wrongly.となります。
Young Boyd did not cut down oak-trees for a livelihood, though he just now worked as if fortune had mapped a no less arduous career for him. He was the only son of a wealthy landholder of the vicinity, a man of English descent and English thrift. Andrew’s grandfather came north into Scotland from Shrewsbury, in a sort of angry freak after a local quarrel. He bought and developed a valuable farm near Loch Arkaig, and then suddenly died upon it, leaving the newly acquired estate to Gilbert Boyd, the father of young Andrew. All of which had happened some forty years before this tale’s beginning.
[su_spoiler title="クリックして答えを表示" icon="plus-square-2"] Young Boyd did not cut down oak-trees for a livelihood, though he just now worked as if fortune had mapped a no less arduous career for him. He was the only son of a wealthy landholder of the vicinity, a man of English descent and English thrift. Andrew's grandfather came north into Scotland from Shrewsbury, in a sort of angry freak after a local quarrel. He bought and developed a valuable farm near Loch Arkaig, and then suddenly died upon it, leaving the newly acquired estate to Gilbert Boyd, the father of young Andrew. All of which had happened some forty years before this tale's beginning.
pictures several people boxed according to income level
I’m here because the late Herman Blount, better known as Sun Ra, a mystical, avant-garde Black American musician and poet who made racial metaphor of extraterrestrial origin stories, remains a guidestar in this realm, even nearly 30 years after his death. His group’s art is a core part ( A ) or try to think hard about the Black Future.
If you’re like most people in the U.S., you think that advertising has no influence. This is what advertisers want you to believe. But, if that were true, why would companies spend over 250,000 to produce an average television commercial and another $250,000 to air it?
The first thing to acknowledge about diversity is that it can be difficult. In the U.S., where the dialogue of inclusion is relatively advanced, even the mention of the word “diversity” can lead to anxiety and conflict. Supreme Court justices disagree on the virtues of diversity and the means for achieving it. Corporations spend billions of dollars to attract and manage diversity both internally and externally, yet they still face discrimination lawsuits, and the leadership ranks of the business world remain predominantly white and male.
The first thing to acknowledge about diversity is that it can be difficult.
In the U.S.というのはdiversityの状況がどのようにdifficultなのかを説明しており、
アメリカ国内のSupreme Court、Corporationsにおいてもdifficultな状況になっていることが、
The first thing to acknowledge about diversity is that it can be difficult. In the U.S., where the dialogue of inclusion is relatively advanced, even the mention of the word “diversity” can lead to anxiety and conflict. Supreme Court justices disagree on the virtues of diversity and the means for achieving it. Corporations spend billions of dollars to attract and manage diversity both internally and externally, yet they still face discrimination lawsuits, and the leadership ranks of the business world remain predominantly white and male.
For allが文頭にあるため、この部分を利用するのと、後ろにあるwhere 節、またその後に続く文章の言い換えを利用する。
For allとは、下記のような意味となる。
You use for all to indicate that the thing mentioned does not affect or contradict the truth of what you are saying.
▶ For all its faults, the film instantly became a classic.
『Cobuild English Dictionary』
つまり、For all句とその後ろの節には矛盾が生じないということ。despiteと言い換えて構わない。
個人の選択⇄社会への全体的な影響という意味で、in aggegateを入れる。
in turn,in publicというよく知られた熟語を入れた受験生も多いかも知れないが、in turnであれば、その後に起こった行動、動作が入る。また文末にある場合は、交代での意味合いがでてくるため、話がつながらないためNG。
Increased production will, in turn, lead to increased profits.
増産によって利益は増大するだろう 『O-LEX』
⑴(2人が)交替で; (3人以上が)順番に
The teacher interviewed all the students in turn.
⑵(…すると)結果として, 今度は
You dislike others and you are disliked by them in turn.
ひとを嫌うと, 今度は自分が嫌われますよ.
in publicは「公共の面前で」という意味が必要になる。
If you say or do something in public, you say or do it when a group of people is present.
▶ Many people are nervous about speaking in public.
『Cobuild English Dictionary』
willing to には積極的に何かをするという意味合いはないので注意。
喜んでするや進んで行うという訳出はNG. ただこの部分は難しいのでほとんどの受験生が間違えている可能性あり。
1 (叙述)
a (+to do)(いやがらず[快く])…しようという気持ちがある,…しても構わないと思う,…するのをいとわない[異存はない](⇔unwilling)(◆ 通例必要なことや頼まれたことなどをすることを表す.ready の方が「進んで[すぐにも]…する」という積極的な意味は強い)
We’re willing to take the responsibility for the accident.
1 [OX3000][B2] [not usually before noun] willing (to do something)not objecting to doing something; having no reason for not doing something
『OXFORD Ditionary』
(14) 3
表現が難しい。有名熟語のget rid ofからの引っ掛けを狙っている。
get rid ofのgetが受動態ということに気づき、rid A of Bを引き出せるかどうかが鍵になる。とはいえ、4を選んでも意味的には仕方がないとは思われる。
全文からonly oneだったら、とあるが、その後に追加があるので一つの要素だけではないことがわかる.notの後ろに前文要素の省略 the only one cost involvedの否定。
文章の主語と目的語で因果関係を作っているので、因果、話題を出すbring upとなる。
make forも同じような意味を持つことがあるが、通例会話文などのinformalな場面で用い、かつ好ましいことが後にくるためNG.
Don’t be lazy. That won’t make for your success.
(2) (くだけて)A<事・人>を生み出す, Aに寄与する, 役立つ(!通例好ましい事柄について用いる)
▶Love alone doesn’t make for a happy marriage.
⑵⦅略式⦆〈事〉に役立つ, …を生みだす
This makes for good human relations.
If something makes for another thing, it causes or helps to cause that thing to happen or exist. [INFORMAL]
▶ A happy parent makes for a happy child. [V P n]
▷Does ‘defund the police’ have merits?
▷Should the US Implement a Universal Basic Income (UBI)?
▷Is Artificial Intelligence Good for Society?
▷Is Cancel Culture (or “Callout Culture”) Good for Society?
▷Should Humans Colonize Space?
▷Should Japanese Government Have Mandatory National Service?
▷Should Student Loan Debt Be Eliminated via Forgiveness or Bankruptcy?
▷Should BigTech be regulated?
▷Should coronavirus allow us to supervise our life ?