Western civilization’s foray into Asia brought about intricate changes in the tapestry of the continent. The 19th-century colonial pursuits introduced a spectrum of Western thought, technological advances, and cultural nuances. These colonial footprints led to the inception of European linguistic capacities and the adoption of governance structures reminiscent of Western paradigms. The debate surrounding these influences oscillates between the spectrum of modernization and the erosion of indigenous values. The confluence of Eastern and Western dynamics has fashioned a unique cultural mosaic, with the reverberations of this historical interaction continuing to influence the contemporary Asian landscape.
Firstly, it’s important to understand that when Western civilization ventured into Asia, it caused significant and complex changes across the entire continent. For instance, in the 19th century, as European countries pursued colonial ambitions, they brought with them a range of Western ideas, cutting-edge technologies, and distinct cultural practices. As a result of this colonization, many Asian regions began to learn European languages and even adopted governance systems that were similar to those in the West. Moreover, there has been an ongoing debate about these changes: on one hand, some believe they brought about modernization; on the other hand, there’s a perspective that it led to the fading of local traditions and values. Interestingly, as the East met the West, a special blend of cultures emerged. In fact, this blending of traditions and influences still plays a role in shaping modern-day Asia.
be used to 名詞で〜に慣れている。この表現はused to(かつては〜だった) という表現と勘違いしやすいので、注意しましょう。
attribute A to B で,Aの原因をBと考えるという意味になります。 因果関係を生む動詞は文章を読む上で非常に大事です。なぜなら、これだけで理由を説明するBecauseや、結果を表すthereforeと同じ意味になるのです。こうした語彙であれば、多くの人が注意している場合が多いですが、動詞の因果関係は見逃しがちです。パラフレーズを見抜くのであれば、確実に覚えておきたい表現でしょう。
文法の問題。副詞のenoughの使い方がわかるかどうかが鍵となります。副詞のenoughは形容詞を後ろから説明して、enoughの値がどれくらい十分なのかを説明しています。ここではyoung peopleがどれだけold(=mature)なのかということをto不定詞以降で表しています。
young people old enough to
下線部のstatistical illusionというのは、trueからの文章をさしています。このことから答えは3になります。
2が違う理由はat a glanceだと関係しているように見えるので逆ですね。
4については、similar trendsというのが間違っています。simlar trendだとどっちかが上がった時に、どっちかも上がるという傾向でないとおかしいです。
これは文法問題です。 ought to have + vppという形がわからないと答えを導き出せません。すべきだったのにしなかったという意味になります。否定形と同じ扱いですね。それ以外の選択肢は実際に教訓を得たことになり現在法律が変わってないのと矛盾するのでバツになります。
this phenomenon(お酒を一つの場で過剰に摂取すること(以後A)) と the current laws(20歳から飲酒可,(以後B))の関係が [clear(誰がみても100%) のrelation なのか,以後①], [at least(最低限)のconnectedなのか,以後②]と言うのが問題になりますね。
まず空欄の前の方は、attribute (A) directly to (B) ではないといっていますので、at leastの方の選択肢が入ります。
①In july one of Taiwan’s top newspapers, United Daily News, published a story based on supposedly leaked minutes from a secret government meeting. ②America had asked Taiwan to manufacture biological weapons at a lab run by the island’s defence ministry, the report claimed. ③Taiwanese and American officials quickly denied it. ④The allegedly leaked minutes, it transpired, were not written in the usual style of Taiwanese government records. ⑤They were filled with official-sounding phrases used in mainland China, but not Taiwan. ⑥This was likely Chinese disinformation, Taiwanese officials said. ⑦Yet the story spread to Taiwanese talk shows and influencers. ⑧Within weeks it had evolved into a wilder claim: ⑧Taiwan was going to collect 150,000 samples of Taiwanese blood and hand them over to the Americans, so that they could develop a virus to kill Chinese people. 出典:”China is flooding Taiwan with disinformation”From The Economist