偏差値30からの早慶圧勝の個別指導塾 HIRO ACADEMIA

偏差値30からの早慶圧勝の個別指導塾 HIRO ACADEMIA

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Interviewer’s remarks
(A)”Good evening, and thank you for joining us today. Can you start by telling us your name and what position you play in the league?”
(B)”Fantastic, Michael. You’ve had a pretty impressive career so far, with multiple All-Star selections and even an MVP award. How did you get started in basketball?”
(C)”That’s great to hear. Can you walk us through your typical pre-game routine?”
(D)”That’s a solid routine. Can you tell us about a particularly memorable game in your career?”
(E)”That must have been an incredible feeling. Can you tell us a little bit about your off-court interests and how you balance your personal life with your basketball career?”
(F)”That’s great to hear, Michael. On behalf of basketball fans everywhere, I want to thank you for your time and for all that you bring to the game. Best of luck to you and your team in the future.”

Interviewee’s remarks

(0)”Sure, I’m a big believer in finding balance in life. I have a family that I love spending time with, and I also enjoy traveling, reading, and giving back to my community. It’s important to me to have those other interests and to not let basketball consume me. It keeps me grounded and helps me perform at my best on the court.”

(1)”Of course, I’m a power forward for the New York Knicks.”

(2)”Wow, that’s a tough one. There have been so many. But I think one that stands out was when we faced the Lakers in the finals. The whole stadium was electric and the pressure was on, but I had one of my best games and we came out on top. It was a defining moment for me and my team.”

(3)”Definitely. I like to arrive at the arena about three hours before tip-off to get in a good warm-up and some shooting practice. I also like to listen to music and get mentally prepared for the game. And of course, I always take some time to talk to my teammates and go over our game plan.”

(4)”Well, I’ve been playing since I was a kid. I grew up in a family of athletes and it was always just a part of my life. But I think it was my high school coach who really saw something in me and pushed me to take it to the next level.”



Interviewer’s remarks
(A),Good morning, Dr. Mitchell. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today.
(B),Thank you, James. To start, could you tell me about your background and how you became interested in the field of art?
(C),That’s incredible. Can you tell me more about your area of expertise in the field of art?
(D),That’s really fascinating. What do you think sets modern art apart from other art forms?
(E),That’s a great point. Can you tell me about a specific artist or work of art that you find particularly inspiring?
(F),That’s amazing. What advice would you give to young artists who are just starting out?
(G),Those are wise words. Is there anything else you would like to add about your experiences in the field of art?
(H),Thank you so much for your time, James. It was truly a privilege to meet with you today.

Interviewee’s remarks
(0),One of my favorite artists is Pablo Picasso. He was a master of many different styles and techniques, and his work was groundbreaking in many ways. One of his most famous works, “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon,” is a prime example of his innovative approach to art. The painting is considered a turning point in the history of modern art, and it paved the way for many of the art movements that followed.

(1),Good morning, Rachel. It’s my pleasure to be here. Please, call me James.

(2),I would encourage them to never stop exploring and experimenting. Art is all about pushing boundaries and expressing oneself, and the most successful artists are the ones who are always seeking new ways to do so. I would also encourage them to be patient and persistent, as success in the art world often takes time and hard work.

(3),The pleasure was all mine, Rachel. Good luck with your work!

(4),Of course. I’ve always had a passion for art, ever since I was a child. I grew up visiting museums and galleries with my family, and I was always drawn to the beauty and creativity in the works of art. I went on to study art history in college and then pursued a PhD in the field. I’ve been teaching art for over 20 years now, and I still feel just as inspired by it as I did when I was a child.

(5),Just that I feel incredibly lucky to have had the opportunity to pursue my passion for art and to share my knowledge with others. I’m constantly inspired by the creativity and passion of my students, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the art world.

(6),One of the key aspects of modern art is its emphasis on individuality and self-expression. Artists of the modern era were breaking away from traditional norms and conventions, and they were experimenting with new techniques, materials, and ideas. They were pushing the boundaries of what was considered acceptable in the art world, and their work reflected the changing attitudes and values of society.

(7),My specialty is modern art. I’ve spent years studying and researching the art movements of the 20th century, and I’ve developed a deep understanding of the cultural and historical context of the works produced during that time. I also enjoy exploring the themes and styles that were prevalent in that era.


Published by

小野 和久

高校時代の成績は、偏差値30いかない程度。その状態から、皆に合わせて予備校に行くもうまくいかず、浪人。浪人生活の中で独学で勉強法を編み出して早慶ダブル合格を果たし、慶應義塾大学経済学部に進学。その後、留学せずに英検1級、TOEIC990点、国連英検特A級を習得。 また、在学中に慶應早稲田専門の本塾を起業し、数々の偏差値30からの生徒を合格に導きました。当塾での合格の秘訣は、「考えて勉強をすること」です。 このような自身の経験から考えて勉強することの重要性を認識し、考えて勉強することで勉強を効率化してどんな学力の受験生に対しても独自カリキュラムを提供しています。早慶専門個別指導塾HIRO ACADEMIA塾長。