No.7 Some people think school uniforms are not necessary. Others think otherwise. What do you think of school uniforms?
POINTS: a sense of belonging to their school / cost / seasonal change
No.8 Should high school students be allowed to have part-time jobs?
POINTS: job responsibility / potential career path / juvenile delinquency
No.9 Should exceptionally good students be allowed to skip grades?
POINTS: learning effectiveness / contribution to society / social experience
No.10 Will all printed media (books, newspapers, magazines) be replaced by electronic media?
POINTS: eco-friendly / health risk / aesthetic value
No.7 Some people think school uniforms are not necessary. Others think otherwise. What do you think of school uniforms?
I do not think school uniforms should be mandatory. I have two reasons for this view. Firstly, school uniforms, which are designed to develop students’ conformity, undermine their individuality and creativity. In a sense, clothes is a simple way to express themselves, but school uniforms disturb such expression. Secondly, school uniforms are not adaptable to seasonal changes in temperatures than casual clothes, thus causing great discomfort to students. Absurdly, some schools does not allow students to wear anything but the school uniform regardless of the uncomfortable climate. As I have stated above, I disagree with the idea that school uniforms should be compulsory.
No.8 Should high school students be allowed to have part-time jobs?
I think high school students should be allowed to have part-time jobs. I have two reasons for this view. First of all, nobody can restrict others’ right to work. It is true that the duty of a student is to study, but this does not mean that student must not work after school. Prohibition of part-time jobs is nothing but the arrogation. Originally, teachers do not have such authority. Second, doing part-time jobs helps students learn about the value of money. Through work experience, they will come to know the difficulty of earning money and stop wasting their money. For the reasons above, I believe high school student may do part-time jobs.
No.9Should exceptionally good students be allowed to skip grades?
I think exceptionally good students should be allowed to skip grade. I have two reasons for this view. For one thing, grade-skipping will maximize the potential of gifted students by enhancing their learning effectiveness through study in the upper grades. By skipping grade, they can satisfy their intellectual curiosity which regular classes cannot meet. Moreover, gifted grade-skippers will become great scientists, inventors, and artists, who make a great contribution to society. For example, Neil Armstrong, who is the first astronaut to walk on the Moon experienced grade-skipping. For the reasons above, I believe child prodigies should skip grades.
No.10Will all printed media (books, newspapers, magazines) be replaced by electronic media?
I think printed media will be replaced by electronic media in the future. I have two reasons for this view. First of all, electronic media meet the growing needs of information-oriented society. These media provide audiovisual information such as moving images and store much more information than books. From the point of view of utility, they are superior to printed media. Second, electronic media are eco-friendly because of no use of paper, transportation and space. At present, deforestation is progressing in the world and paper making is one of the main factors of this problem. For the reasons above, I believe someday, electronic media will replace printed media.
No.5 Will renewable energy sources eventually replace fossil fuels?
POINTS: environmentally-friendly energy / supply of electricity / unstable
No.6 Should we ban the keeping of animals in the zoos?
POINTS: food chain / ecosystem / shelter
No.4 Some people think children should not play video games. Others think otherwise. What is your opinion?
No.4 解答例
I do not think children should stop playing video games. Although video games have bad aspects, but they also have many good aspects at the same time. For one thing, certain types of video games cultivate children’sability. For example, adventure, riddle and puzzle games can improve problem-solving skills, logical thinking, and analytical abilities. Furthermore, even violent games have a merit, for they give adolescents a chance to release their frustration by allowing them to engage in aggressive behavior without causing physical harm. In any case, I believe children do not have to abstain from playing video games as long as they are healthy.
No.5 Will renewable energy sources eventually replace fossil fuels?
No.5 解答例
Though there are some difficulties at present, I think renewable energy sources will eventually replace fossil fuels. Mainly I have two reasons for this view. To begin with, the reserves of fossil fuels on earth are limited, which necessitates the use of renewable energy. According to the research, it is said that petroleum will be used up within this century. Additionally, the threat of global warming requires the use of environmentally-friendly energy for both industrial and private uses. At this rate, various environmental problems will get much worse. Human beings cannot continue to depend on fossil fuels. In short, I believe renewable energy sources will be principally used in the future.
No.6 Should we ban the keeping of animals in the zoos?
No.6 解答例
I do not agree with the idea that we should ban the keeping of animals in the zoos. I have two reasons for this view. To start with, it will protect endangered animals from extinction by providing them with shelters. In the natural world, threatened species cannot survive by themselves. In order to maintain the ecosystem, breeding animals in the zoos is necessary. Next, it provides a chance to research animals’ lives and bodily functions. This will contribute to animals’ well-being. In summary, I think keeping animals in the zoos should not be prohibited.
No.1 Hosting the Olympics has a lot of pros and cons. Write your opinion about this.
POINTS:infrastructure / economy / terrorism
No.2 Japan should increase the number of hydroelectric power generations. Do you agree or disagree with this idea?
POINTS: environment / stability /ecosystem
No3. Electric vehicles should be promoted. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
POINTS: fossil fuels / quiet electric motors / unaffordable
No.1 Hosting the Olympics has a lot of pros and cons. Write your opinion about this.
No.1 解答例
I think hosting the Olympics is rather a good idea. I have two reasons for this view. First of all, the Olympics can boost the domestic economy. For example, there are a lot of financial benefits such as revenue from ticket sales, profit from tourism, job creation and so on. Besides, the Olympics will enhance the quality of life of the local people. Thanks to support from various organizations such as JOC, the host cities will improve infrastructures and citizens can use these facilities after the Olympics. In conclusion, for these reasons, I believe the Olympics should be held.
No.2 Japan should increase the number of hydroelectric power generations. Do you agree or disagree with this idea?
No.2 解答例
I agree with the idea that Japan should construct more hydroelectric power stations. Mainly I have two reasons for this view. In the first place, Hydroelectric power generation is environmentally friendly. It does not burn anything and prevent progress of global warming caused by greenhouse gases. Second, Hydroelectric power generation is rather stable. It eliminates the destabilizing factors of thermal power generation such as scarce reserves of fossil fuels. Considering these factors, I think Japan should promote hydroelectric power generation.
No.3 Electric vehicle should be promoted. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
No.3 解答例
I agree with the idea that electric vehicle should be promoted. I have two reasons for this view. First, electric vehicles are environmentally friendly. Unlike gasoline counterparts, electric vehicles with no combustion engine do not emit CO2 or pollutants into the air. Second, electric vehicles, which run on non-fossil fuels, rule out concerns about oil depletion. At this rate, we will not be able to use gasoline‐powered vehicle within this century, but we can use electric counterparts after exhaustion of petroleum. For the reasons above, I think electric vehicles should be spread as soon as possible.