偏差値30からの早慶圧勝の個別指導塾 HIRO ACADEMIA

偏差値30からの早慶圧勝の個別指導塾 HIRO ACADEMIA

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2017年早稲田大学政治経済|英語|過去問徹底研究 大問5


<記事内容を2019年5月27日に更新しました> まず具体的な書き方英作文の対策については、こちらをご覧ください。 大問5 自由英作文 早稲田大学政治経済学部2017年度の大問5になります。近年の長文化の傾向を踏まえるのであれば、本問題にかけることができる時間は10~15分程度の非常に短

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  • <記事内容を2019年5月27日に更新しました>


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    大問5 自由英作文


    V. Read the statement below and write a paragraph giving at least two reasons why you agree or disagree with it. Write your answer in English in the space provided on your written answer sheet.

    ‘Gay marriage should be made legal in Japan’


     I agree with the statement that gay marriage should be made legal in Japan. First, getting married to their lovers is one of the fundamental human rights recognized in the Japanese constitution. This means no one should entrench on it no matter which sex they are getting married with. Second, to make gay marriage legal will not cause any negative effects on Japanese society at all. Since it is considered that DNA is linked to being gay, no matter legalizing gay marriage or not, it will not cause any changes of population of the society. Allowing people with all types of genders will lead to more happiness in the society.




       I am against the statement that gay marriage should be made legal in Japan. There are two reasons that I disagree with the statement. First, marriage is to swear to love their wives or husbands, which should be male and female. Legalizing gay marriage means that marriage is no longer a pious event. Second, gay marriage is not allowed by most of the main religions in the world, such as Judaism and Christianity. Legalizing gay marriage means that it denies those religious faiths. Since freedom of faith is recognized by the Japanese Constitution, the government should not make a decision which offends those religious faiths. (105語)




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